autumn leaves at shisendo


Since autumn is here and the maple-viewing season is almost upon us, I thought I would drop a few seasonally appropriate posts.  These shots were taken a few years ago on a trip to Shisendo temple (詩仙堂) that was taken together with the lovely Ohta Ikuko.  Shisendo is especially famous for its maple trees, which flame on in the most amazing colors in late November.  The temple was established in 1641 by Ishikawa Jozan, a poet, scholar of Chinese classics, and a landscape gardener.  Apparently Jozan fought alongside Tokugawa Ieyasu in his battle against the Toyotomi clan, which then held Osaka Castle.  The name of the temple — which can loosely be translated as “great poet temple” — is associated with the 36 portraits of classical Chinese poets (painted by Kano Tanyu) that were displayed in the main room of the temple.

Photo information, by order of appearance, including camera, lens, and film type:

1) Voigtlander Bessa-L, 15mm Heliar, Kodak 400UC.

2) Voigtlander Bessa-L, 15mm Heliar, Kodak 400UC.

3) Voigtlander Bessa R2A, 35mm Ultron, Fujifilm Velvia 100.

4) Voigtlander Bessa R2A, 35mm Ultron, Fujifilm Velvia 100.

5) Voigtlander Bessa-L, 15mm Heliar, Kodak 400UC.

6) Voigtlander Bessa R2A, 35mm Ultron, Fujifilm Velvia 100.

6 Responses to “autumn leaves at shisendo”

  1. Fantastic photos–I have never been to a place like that, but certainly want to go someday.

    • 2 Trane DeVore

      Shisendo is really beautiful during the autumn, and worth a visit if you get a chance.

  2. Hi there. These photos are so beautiful! There’s just too many beautiful places in Kyoto to explore during Autumn ! Hope I’ll have a chance to go there someday.

    • 4 Trane DeVore

      What you have to say about Kyoto is absolutely true. I think a person could spend a lifetime trying to visit all of the beautiful spots to see autumn colors in Kyoto. Looks like you’ve gotten to see plenty of autumn color up in Tokyo though — I love all those shots you’ve posted of the ginkgo leaf blankets . . .

  3. 5 Travis

    Terrific photographs of Shisendo. I really can’t pick a favourite among them. Read your profile and noticed that you have published a couple books of poetry. Have you had a chance to read any of Ishikawa’s work?

    • 6 Trane DeVore

      Hi Travis —

      To tell you the truth, I haven’t had a chance to read much of Ishikawa Jozen’s work yet, though it (and a lot of other things) has been on my reading list for a long time. Your site is a fantastic compendium of sources when it comes to Ishikawa, however. When I have time I’ll check into it more thoroughly!

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